words: admonish; caution; rebuke; reproach; technical (skill); warn

sign for admonish

admonish: right “A” hand facing downward, slaps the back of the left flat hand facing down, quickly and sharply

sign for caution

caution: right “C” hand facing out, slaps the back of the left flat hand facing down, quickly and sharply

sign for rebuke

rebuke: right “R” hand facing downward, slaps the back of the left flat hand facing down, quickly and sharply

sign for reproach

reproach: right “R” hand facing down, slaps the back of the left “S” hand facing down, quickly and sharply

sign for technical (foul - sports)

technical (foul – sports): right “1” finger bounces off left “1” finger (other kind)

sign for warn

warn: right flat hand facing down, slaps the back of the left flat hand facing down, quickly and sharply